
Conductix-Wampfler offers Energy & Data Transmission Systems for the Intralogistic industry

Intralogistics systems play an important role in the automated in-plant transport of materials in factories, distribution centers, parcel services, warehouses, airports, hospitals, and others. These systems increase efficiency, quality, sustainability, and traceability of material flow processes, while reducing waste and inventory buffers. Without them, modern high performance facilities could not function. Electrification components are needed for intralogistic equipment as  Automated Guided Vehicles ( AGV),  Electric Monorail Systems ( EMS), electric pallet conveyors, rail guided vehicles (RGV), transfer cars, and baggage handling systems, as well as sorters, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RSstacker cranes) and shuttle systems.

Intralogistic systems must be available on demand. If part of the system goes down, processes before and after will stop and the entire facility could shut down. Also, any required maintenance must be done quickly and easily. Energy and  data transmission components must adapt to high performance systems, often with complex layouts and operating at high speeds and acceleration. At the same time, they must provide maximum energy efficiency at an acceptable cost. Some systems must meet special technical challenges, such as “clean room” and food processing environments, refrigerated storage, or impure production lines.

Conductix-Wampfler has extensive experience working with intralogistics system OEMs worldwide. From our large product portfolio, we can recommend the optimum solution for individual applications across many different industries without bias towards single technology. With our global presence and local support, we partner closely with OEMs and end-user customers for both small and large scale projects, striving for technical optimization with minimum complexity. Our continuous research & development efforts are geared towards new solutions and continuous improvements of products for this industry.

Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) – powers systems such as  AGVs and baggage handling systems. New generations of  IPT with state-of-the-art features keep pace with our customers needs.

Conductor Rails – power  Electrified Monorail Systems ( EMS), Rail Guided Vehicles (RGV), and baggage handling systems. The  SinglePowerLine 0812 and MultiLine 0831, combined with ProShell are ideal for  AS/RS stacker cranes. MultiLine 0835 and MultiLine 0365 are the perfect match to power shuttle systems. PEplus for  conductor rails works well for electric conveyors of all types, providing safety and simplicity.

Spring-Driven and  Motor-Driven Reels – manage  cables used to power  transfer cars and other moving equipment.

Rubber and Cellular Buffers – are well suited to absorbing energy from machine element impacts.

Jay Radio Remote Controls –  offer a safe way of operating or monitoring machines from a distance. The comprehensive range of industrial and safety radio remote controls offers countless solutions to adapt to an extensive number of intralogistic applications.

Burg Machinefabriek B.V. | Kruiningen NL

Warehouse crane

Die Niederlande

Conductix-Wampfler B.V. [NL]

Burg Machinefabriek B.V. | Kruiningen

Technical requirement[s]
Energieübertragung für die Motoren und Aufzüge zum Transport von Paletten
Datenübertragung für die Ortung von Kisten im Lagerhaus / Bewegungskontrolle
Sichere Bedienung des Krans bei manueller Bedienung


Länge (System)

Zugeführte Energie / Medien
Elektrische Energie, Datenübertragung, ferngesteuerte sicher Bedienung


  • Schleifleitungssystem, Programm 831 MultiLine
  • Nexus BB | Daten Management System
    Programm 120-480V Hi speed UL

  • Jay Sicherheits-Zustimmtaser für Funkfernsteuerungen RS-Serie
    RSEP-Remote und RSRB-Receiver

Zusätzliche Produktbeschreibung
Schleifleitungssystem: Gelbes Stahlblech zum Schutz vor Staub und Schäden an den Schleifleitungen
Nexus BB | Daten Management System: Kombination mit Lenze C25 PLC


400 VAC

Anzahl Pole